Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Waterfalls - a Meditation

Written for use in hypnosis. Read slowly. Allow the words and images to relax you. Or record them for yourself... slowly, peacefully. One phrase at a time. Lingering over the pauses. Or have someone who cares about you do that. Let your mind vary the imagery. Change whatever it needs to. For your benefit.
Entering the woods... you feel an immediate difference in temperature: As you walk under the green leafy trees. Enjoying the crunch of last year's leaves beneath your feet. Noticing the colors and shapes: Of bark on different trees. The soft green ferns, and little seedlings close to the ground.... And the sunlight - filtering down - here and there... amongst the shadows - cast by trees, towering overhead.... and glimpses of blue sky high above the treetops.

As you walk in the sheltering forest, you listen for songs of birds, and watch scurrying chipmunks, rabbits, deer, and busy bugs. And you begin to hear the sound of water. First the trickling of a nearby stream. And then - as you walk deeper into the welcoming woods - you can hear the rushing sound of water... falling... and crashing... onto rocks.

You walk closer to the stream, straining to look ahead where the water is falling. And you catch a glimpse of a waterfall just ahead - as you continue to walk - picking your way, around trees and over rocks, sometimes holding onto branches to keep from falling into the stream. Looking for a spot where you can stop and sit for a while and gaze with wonder and enjoyment on this lovely waterfall. Listening eagerly to the sound of water falling from the cliff above onto the rocks below. Watching it foam and froth, bubble and splash, as it streams down... down... down... in a spectacular display of natural splendor.

Restful sky.  Peaceful trees. Water rushing over rocks and falling - in an ever changing water ballet. Creating its own music. Reflecting the sunlight. Sprays of water leaping into the air - where you can see a lovely rainbow begin to form, hovering in the air, framing the waterfall and the surrounding scene - like a glimpse of heaven, lingering for a while, and then slowly fading.

You close your eyes and you can still see it - in your mind's eye - as you listen to the water gushing, and the birds singing, and the wind in the trees - smelling the freshness of the air, and being reminded of other times and places, where you felt a similar sense of awe and wonder - of peace and tranquility.....

You can do an internet search using "woods" or "waterfalls" - and find photos to make use of - extending your own imagery or this experience. If you want to. Or you can simply rest in the images your mind provides. Again. And again. There are so many beautiful photos available on the web..... And so much beauty in nature all around you. Or in your mind's eye - any time you want it.

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